BSDU Result Management System

School of Automotive Skills

B.Voc. – Automotive skills
M.Voc. – Automotive skills

School of Computing Skills

B.Voc. – IT and networking Skills
B.Voc. – Machine learning and artificial intelligence Skills

School of Construction Skills

B.Voc. – Construction Skills

School of Electrical Skills

B.Voc. – Electrical Skills
B.Voc. – Renewable Energy Technology Skills
M.Voc. – smart power systems Skills

School of Entrepreneurship Skills

B.Voc. – Entrepreneurship Skills
M.Voc. – Entrepreneurship Skills

School of Healthcare and Paramedic Skills

B.Voc. – Healthcare and Paramedic Skills

School of Hospitality and Tourism Skills

B.Voc. – Hospitality and Tourism Skills

School of Manufacturing Skills

B.Voc. – manufacturing Skills

School of Metal Construction Skills

B.Voc. – Metal Construction Skills

School of Office Administration Skills

B.Voc. – Office Administration Skills

School of Woodworking Skills

B.Voc. – Woodworking Skills
M.Voc. – Woodworking Skills

School of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Skills

B.Voc. – refrigeration and Air-Conditioning skills
M.Voc. – refrigeration and Air-Conditioning skills